
Before I go to work I normally go on walks around my neighbourhood. On a typical morning walk, you would hear cars passing and honking, people walking their dogs, and children waiting to go to school on the bus. But recently there are fewer cars, no raging drivers honking their horns on the roads, and no barking dogs – there is silence, or as close as you can get to it. Everything has changed. The pandemic has indeed changed our daily routines and how we go about our day to day errands, work and business, and our family and social lives. It is without a doubt a strange and difficult time, a time of uncertainty and for some great loss.

In the midst of this change it is easy to be lost and confused, especially with all the time people have on their hands. Personally much of the time that I had I used on self reflection, a moment to re-evaluate my goals and ambitions from a personal and business standpoint. And so, I have decided to try a new approach to my business and to connecting with my clients through the use of social media platforms including Instagram and Facebook. I am also working on creating an online catalogue on my website for our customers to make it easier to find the right glasses to enhance or complete their look. This leads us to this blog, which is a chance for me to connect further with my clients. I will post about a variety of different eye related topics and much more.

Stayed tuned for more information and I hope you are as excited as I am (and of course, staying safe)!